
Showing posts from 2010

No Place like home for the Holidays

Food Catch Up

Weigh-In Day ...Ok Ok I know I am late


Breakfast, everywhere.

when lazy wins

Sick today

Exercise at what Time?!?!

Its Friday, weigh in day!

Summer Sizzle

Nutritionist Visit

Fall River this weekend!

I can't believe it...

Thank God Vacation is Over...

Water, Water, Everywhere

Quote of the Day

Thinking about a Nap.

Better choices

St. Patty's Day Feast

a good start...with a great end.

Was this really dinner...

Where has the time gone!?!

Blog Vacation...

Tuna fish remix

Craigslist crazy

Lunch Time

No weight loss challenge and no bike.

Top 100 Culinary Blogs - YUM!

Drunken Beans

I survived the week!

Day Three

What we do to be healthy...