Lunch Time

I am eating the best lunch ever. Well so far anyway. Its leftovers day. I make a roast last friday, and had a small extra piece that I packed away in tupperwar along with some some black beans and salsa. This morning CJ and I had scrabbled eggs with pepperjack cheese and tomatoes. We didnt eat all of it so I packed that up in a tupperware bowl and called it egg snack. I didnt manage to eat "egg snack" ealier today so after an intense workout, I put it all on the same plate and made it lunch.

I went to the gym today, and worked on the elliptical harder than I normally do, my avg heart rate was 157. I hope it was because my body is getting stronger but it could have been that I had a good mix on my ipod.

We move in 6 days, CJ has been packed since last week. Most of my stuff is still in boxes but some of it is out and nowhere near being sorted or packed. I have to get the motivation to do that this week so I dont have a mountain of work for the weekend.


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