No Place like home for the Holidays

So I am heading back to New England tonight. Its a long and hopefully uneventful trip up. We are taking CJ's car since its 4 wheel drive and there is already snow on the ground here in NoVA. My poor little Prius just isn't up to the task.

Two noteworthy items that I came across today. CJ and I have booked a trip to Europe and one of out Destinations is Paris. My friend KT sent me this very neat article:

36 Hours in Paris - -

Its practically an hour by hour whirlwind tour of the city of lights.

Next up, I was reading the Google News Entertainment Section and saw that Lea Michele (GLEE) loves the website GOOP. What is this you ask? It is none other than Gwyneth Paltrow's very own website. It's basically just her thoughts on Food, Travel, Clothes, Self Growth, etc... Definitely worth a look.


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