What we do to be healthy...

Today I spent $300 on groceries. Yup $300.

I have been reading this book called Master Your Metabolism by Jillian Michaels. It has some very interesting concepts in it. Jillian’s approach to food was simple but based on some reviews from Amazon and my friend K.’s experience (she was the one who recommended this book) the concept really works.

The book goes into great scientific detail but here it is in a nutshell:
If it has a mother or grows from the ground, its ok to eat. Stay away from processed poison!

That’s it. Jillian puts up a good argument for organics and I buy what I can without going broke, but I buy most of my stuff from the local grocery stores.
I started her meal plan today, hence the $300 grocery bill.

Day one:
Breakfast – 3 egg whites, fried tomatoes, one med grapefruit.
Lunch – Southwest chicken (basically, chicken breast, black beans, tomatoes, lime, so on and so forth)
Dinner – Halibut, and roasted eggplant, red and green peppers and onions
Snack – handful of walnuts

I didn’t go to the gym today because of the holiday, my work gym is closed.

Oh and well, I had half a chocolate covered caramel, Yeah I know….but I needed a little sweet.

On to day two!


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