I survived the week!

Thursday was not a gym day. My legs were really sore and I couldnt bring myself to go. However, I made good food choices. This is how it went:
Breakfast: I made this beautiful parfaits with greek yogurt, honey, berries and flax cereal. I thought they were good, CJ was a good sport and ate his but he told me that he prefers "warm breakfast"

Lunch: Grilled chicken with sauted spinach and mushrooms
Snack: Strawberrys, string cheese
Dinner: The most wonderful shrimp with veggies. CJ and I were fighting over leftovers for lunch. Lucky him, I let him win.

(these grey foggy pictures make me crazy but thats the best my blackberry can do right now. I am in the market for a new phone. Hopefully that will take better photos)

Friday faired well on both the gym and the food front. We ate like kings for breakfast with 3 eggwhite omelettes (CJ will not give up the yolk so I made his with) I added diced tomatoes and pepperjack cheese, a side of Ezekiel Bread (my super favorite) and some sliced turkey breast.

Lunch was salsa mixed with black beans and 8 grilled shrimp.
Snack: sunflower seeds and some string cheese.
I managed to put down 40 oz of water, I am trying to drink 64oz but I can't seem to get there yet.

I hit the gym today, lifting weights and doing cardio for about 28 min with an average heart rate of 140.

Dinner was the best of all, I bought a shoulder roast from Wholefoods and a shitake mushroom ginger marinade. I browned the roast in a shallow skillet and then poured the mushroom ginger sauce over it plus a little beef broth and let that cook on low for a little over an hour. When it was done I sliced it thin and placed it over butter lettuce and topped it off with black beans and salsa mix. CJ thinks its his favorite meal so far.


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