Its Friday, weigh in day!

You know, I had the best intensions to post lunch and dinner yesterday but it did not happen. I did however get breakfast in this moring: Looks good doesn't it. On the hunger scale I started at a 4 and finished about 7. I didnt eat it all, I am thinking maybe I should start with one half an english muffin, that may result in less waste and if i want the other half, well in the toaster it will go!

Also, on an exercise update, EA Sports Active: More Workouts kicked my behind last night! I did the 30 min step class on medium and then my 6 week challenge workout. One hour and 400 glorious calories later. I felt good. Its a different work out everyday. My only gripe, lots of lunges. I have lunged so much in the past week and a half. I should have thighs of steel soon!

Ok so its that time of the week. Weigh-in Day! My nutritionist said I should only weigh myself once a week. So friday is going to be my day.
and the number is (drum roll) : 140.6 pounds

Go Me!


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