Montana - My New life in Pictures

Because I work on "back east" time, my day starts pretty early. The good news is that it ends early too. These were some pictures taken at about 3 in the afternoon today. The sky was brilliant and I could not pass it up. And as a side note, I used my shitty Nikon Coolpix S1 that is like a million years old and picture still came out great. And that makes me smile. 
View outside my barn/apartment

Again, just beautiful. 

Not gonna lie, this is my favorite.

yup, I sat in the snow for this shot. 

my new friends

I think the proper name for this is corral. But I will check with my landlords

More friends.

I pretty sure this guy does not want to be friends with me. But he always poses for the camera.

More sitting in the snow. But I just love these ground shots.

My temporary home. I am so in love.

Stopped on a hill to take this picture. Its much prettier in real life.

Trying a night shot with my shitty SI. When I get my tripod, I think i might have better luck.


  1. Not going to lie Tracy as pretty as those pictures are it is not a place I have any interest in even visiting. Give me Hawaii any day! Never been a winter person. My brother in law lives in Breckenridge, CO and assures us that there is so much beauty there. I have seen the photos and that is enough for me. I told him he never has to worry about a surprise or any other kind of visit from me. I am glad you are enjoying your new surroundings.

  2. You know it snows in Massachusetts right? ;-)


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