China & Linens & Toasters, Oh My!

Although I am far from setting up a registry as CJ and I have yet to set a wedding date, however, we have been looking at all the options out there. And there are many! Here are just a few that looked interesting to me.

Every couple is different. Some soon-to-be Brides and Grooms are still using plastic forks and eating on that milk crate table they built in college. Some couples will need to merge two fully stocked condos and are trying to figure out where they are going to put TWO kitchen tables (that may or may not be made of milk crates)

So here is the breakdown of some interesting registries...

The "You Can Have It All" Registries
Some couples just can't decide - Should they register at Crate & Barrel, or Target, or Pottery Barn,or maybe Macy's - Too Many Choices to just choose one or two!
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Not just for weddings but any special occasion where folks will lavish gifts upon you. " gives customers the flexibility to choose the items they like best, from any store in the world—whether it be a local mom and pop shop without a website or a national chain superstore." They even have the ability set up a cash gift service which is a nice touch.
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Much like myregistry.comWishpot is a one stop shop for anything you could possibly want on your registry. Wishpot allows you to set up for Cash Gifts as well. I also found a fun feature called ChipIn -"You add an item to your wish list or registry...and ask for contributions for that item. Wishpot makes it easy for friends and family to chip in for the larger items you want."

The "Honeymoon" Registries
So you don't need another toaster, but you would really love a trip to Bora Bora for your Honeymoon. You are in Luck!
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 Traveler's Joy is a Honeymoon Registry. "Friends and family visit your page and use their credit card to give a gift toward part or all of your trip." So they would be able to give $100 towards airfare or pay for a dinner one night. Or they could write one big check and pay for the whole thing. (If you have this kind of relative, please send me their email as I would like to add them to my registry) There is a fee for this service - "The 7.5% service fee is assessed when a gift is given to your registry account. For example, if you have $9.25 in your account, you have received a gift of $10.00 and the fee of $0.75 has been assessed." However guests are never charged a fee
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Honeyfund is "a honeymoon gift registry with no setup fees, and no transaction fees, and no travel plans required." This site was initially built by the founders (a Husband and Wife Team) as they already had a house full of stuff, and were looking for the best way for family and friends to give the gift of a honeymoon without an additional costs. 

The "Finance a Wish" Registries"
Some couples have a big idea in mind - Maybe its a down payment for a house or maybe its a bit of renovation for a house the couple already owns. Maybe the couple would like the freedom of taking the wonderful monitary gifts from their guests and literally investing in their futures by buying stocks and mutual funds. Whatever the dream, Cash is King. 

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Some may think there is a stigma with asking for money as a wedding gift but UponOurStar takes it one step further and allows the couple to share their wishes with their wedding guests. This makes a financial gift mean something special. "A wedding registry for wishes, not stuff." There is a fee for this service -  "A small amount of 2.5% will be withheld from your total Funds and paid directly to credit card companies to cover their processing fees and a one-time $15 amount will be withheld and paid directly to the Bank, to set up a secure and traceable direct deposit of funds into your bank account. UponOurStar does not profit from these fees."

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"Have all the household items that you need...with the exception of the house?" FeatheOurNest is a Mortgage Specific Registry with Real Estate Services. It allows your guests to donate directly to a down payment for your new home as Husband and Wife. There is a fee for this service - "The Registry Fee is $300 and is fully refundable at the close of escrow on your home provided that you have used the services of a real estate sales associate referred to you by FeatherOurNest. The $300 fee is non-refundable if you do not participate in our Realtor Referral Program."

The "Just for Fun" Registries says it best - "Foodie Registry was started by a couple of Chicago foodies who love nothing more than the experience of a great meal at a fabulous restaurant. The company is based on two simple ideas. First most couples already own many of the items found on a traditional registry. Second, people love good food. Put that together and what do you get? A restaurant gift registry. For foodies. A Foodie Registry" 

What are your favorite Registry Sites? 


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