Almonds - the other white milk

My love affair with Almond milk started in San Francisco. Across the street from my client's building was a little health food cafe and every morning I would stop in for breakfast. One day I tried a spinach banana smoothie made with Almond Milk and the rest is history. When I got home from my trip I went to Whole Foods and bought almond milk so I could make these smoothies at home. Soon I was using it for lots of things, cereals, adding it to pancake mixes, soups and so on. I actually very rarely keep Cow milk in the house now.
Although almond milk is my favorite, I also really like Rice Milk which to me seems a bit sweeter and not as creamy. I like to drink that straight.
I am not a big fan of Soy Milk, its texture does not appeal to me but many many folks love it. Also, I use other soy products such as tofu and tempeh and some experts believe that too much soy isn't great for you so I nix the soy milk since I have a happy alternative.

This is my new gadget. The Rotato Express. I hate to peel anything. and this pretty much does the work for me. It isn't perfect all the time, sometimes the peelers gets clogged and you need to stop and clean it out  but gets the job done fast.
Dinner last night was a bit of a dud. I am basically learning a new cooking style and I am struggling to not use salt. It started with a cute little salad. I threw in baby beets this time.
Next up was Lentil stew from a Dr. Furman Eat to Live Recipe, but it ended up being "Everything but the Kitchen Sink Lentil Stew"
Lisa's Lovely Lentil Stew - Changed into Everything but the Kitchen Sink Lentil Stew
Serves: 4
Preparation Time: 40 minutes

2 cups dried lentils

6 cups water

1/2 medium onion, finely chopped

1 teaspoon dried basil

1/8 teaspoon black pepper

3 large ripe tomatoes, chopped

1 celery stalk, finely chopped

then I added - Half a can of corn, a few left over white beans about 1/4 cup and 1 1/2 cups of mushrooms. I also added some garlic and herb seasoning, garlic powder and a bit more black pepper.

This recipe was in desperate need of salt. But i could not add any. It was kinda a bummer and a little bit bland. If anyone has any idea on how to make this better let me know.

Place the lentils, water, onion, pepper and basil in a pot and simmer for 30 minutes. Add the tomato and celery and simmer for an additional 15 minutes or until lentils are tender.

The KGB was up and wandering about this morning. He is such a cutie pants


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